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GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird) Mythological Proportions of the Present (songwriti (83* d) RE: Mythological Proportions of the Present 23 Aug 00

Thomas, you seem to be saying that it is possible to write songs in imitation of other, older songs which comment on current events. If that is what you're saying, I agree, but -- who are you responding to ? Is this your way of attacking the "criterion of ignorance" (which holds that "folk" music can only be created by people who have no conception of "folk" music as a separate category) or the "criterion of illiteracy" (which holds, in its most extreme form, that no "folk" music can have any written sources in its chain of transmission) ? Or are you dealing with some other sorts of claims or assertions ?

A few examples of commentary in somewhat mythological style are collected here, e.g. "The Mudcat Came Back", and "The Ballad of Dennis Karjala".


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