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The Mudcat Cafesj

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GUEST,Mr Red Review: How to Run a Successful Trad(dish) Club (50) RE: Review: How to Run a Successful Trad(dish) Club 13 Feb 10

There is a tradition of talking to new faces. Imparting information about how to find other things in the area, generally being chatty etc.

My first foray in the recent phase, I was approached by 3 members separeately and asked if I wanted to sing. Or read poetry etc. When divorce was finally revealed to me and I had the house and my free time to use as I wished, I went straight down to the Somers FC (now in Worcester Fri, the Albion) and found a cohort of friends I never knew existed. And a few nice ladies but that is another story (and a tradition). But a hint as to the way people use these events. Don't ignore it.

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