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semi-submersible Origins: Never-Ending Songs (45) RE: Origins: Never-Ending Songs 07 Mar 10

Oh, the horse stood around with his foot on the ground [all on one note, stress on horse, round, foot, ground]
Oh, the horse stood around with his foot on the ground
Oh, the horse stood around with his foot on the ground
Oh, the horse stood around with his foot on the ground
[Spoken:] Second [or whichever number] verse; this is worse...

(When I was a little tot, maybe three, no more than five (slender, little oval pale face, round glasses, short dark hair) my mother went Christmas carol singing with friends, and took me along. Surprised to see me singing along, as she didn't think I knew "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem," she listened closely. I was actually singing "The Horse Stood Around with his Foot on the Ground." So such songs can do some good after all.)

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