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fretless BS: 96 Million Missing Women in Asia (30) RE: BS: 96 Million Missing Women in Asia 15 Mar 10

Sinsull wrote "I wonder if the scarcity of eligible women for marriage will in fact increase their value and improve their lives in general."

Not historically as far as I know. The more common response in societies where female infanticide results in reduced numbers of adult females has been an increase in prostitution, which of course makes the overall situation for women only worse.

BBC reporter Emily Buchanan reported extensivley on the global "missing women" phenomenon at least a decade ago, and she addressed it again in the book she wrote about her experience in adopting two girls from China, "From China With Love."

Buchanan's work made clear that the missing demographic cadre is a result of multiple actions: selective abortions, infanticide, and differential treatment (including nourishment and acess to medical care and education) offered to boys and girls. Underlying all of this, of course, are cultural values, which are not likely to change quickly.

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