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Folknacious The Not The Finger In Ear Show (1982) (63* d) RE: The Not The Finger In Ear Show (1982) 16 Mar 10

Thanks for finally answering that one. Shame.

I've watched those Bracknell ones a couple of times now. Things seemed more adventurous and carefree then, and the music well worth exploring for people who came later. I continue to be besotted by Marta Sebestyen but find that her 80s album with Muzsikas doesnt seem to be available at an affordable price, not via Amazon anyway.

Talking of old TV, does anybody else remember a little series of short programmes called something like Souvenirs Of Sidmouth that went out every evening for a week, sometime -I'm guessing now - around the early 1980s? I particularly recall an Irish musician playing several tin whistles at once, joined together with rubber tube, but generally they were magical.

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