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GUEST,Bardan New 'Revival' of Folk Music in England. (155* d) RE: New 'Revival' of Folk Music in England. 16 Mar 10

From the limited ammount of recent releases I've heard, there is more good-quality engish folk (definitions at the ready...draw) being recorded and sold in the last few years than there had been. This might be only cos I've taken more of an interest so I've noticed or maybe the famous internet based democratisation of music is finally happening or maybe theres a resurgeant interest in it. Of course it won't appeal to everyone, and it's diverse enough that it's unlikely to all appeal to even one person. But hey, that's music for you.
As to the americana side of things I've no idea but I'm sure someone here could check.
I've never seen 'traddies' or 'folkies' as massively offensive. I'd tend to refer to myself by one or the other. There's stereotypes that go with folk music however you refer to the musicians/listeners and judging from some photos of the seventies and a few comments from people on here some of them are probably justified, but I'm not that bothered so long as I can listen to good music and at least try to play it.

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