No, I'm afraid I don't have any of Jerry. I know the name but I don't think I ever ran across him. The ones that I remember off the top of my head that I DO have video of in addition to Art are Brian Gill and Peggy Compton, Ann and Jan Hills-Burda, Harry Waller, Jim Brewer, Stu Halliday, Byron Roche and Paul Breidenbach, Laurie Noell and Trish Alexander, Douglas Udell and a bunch more that I can't remember at present (I'm not in front of my home PC). I thought I had one of Dodi Kallick but I haven't found it yet. Most of my tapes are roughly catalogued but there are some omissions and I won't know for sure until I actually capture them and can examine what I have in better detail. The big pain here is that these need so much processing (dark video, noisy, shifted black level, etc.) that it takes about 15X real time to process. IOW, 15 minutes of processing per minute of playing time. I can do maybe one per evening ;) I also have lots from Adler House in Libertyvill as well as the Red Clay Ramblers at Troubles. It has been a bittersweet experience starting to pour through these. So many people I have lost track of and who may never know how they touched my life. But I'm glad I did the geeky thing (at the time, at least) and took my cumbersome camera and recorder to places like the Exit in its heyday so those experiences can live on. Paul