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Orson Trap manchester sports guild folk club (154* d) RE: manchester sports guild folk club 04 May 10

I saw Arthur Big Boy Crudup at MSG. Bob Hall, Simon Praeger (guitar)& Steve Rye (harmonica) were support. At one stage he 'ordered' them to join him for a song or two and when they thought they had finished he pointed to Bob Hall and said "play that thing". Bob didn't look too amused.
I also remember the first 'Blues Night' there. John Dummers Blues Band were the guests. Dave Kelly was in the band playing slide guitar (SG) mostly. 'Putty' was the other guitarist. They were later joined by Jo Ann Kelly who the guest upstairs in the folk club that night, if my memory serves me right?
John Dummer (drums) and 'Thumper Thompson' on bass, who would later
be in the pop group 'Darts'.
Had some really good nights there, Bernard Wrigley with Dave & June Brooks comes to mind, Wally Whyton as well as others already mentioned. Anybody remember the chinese waiter?

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