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Pistachio BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability (305* d) RE: BS: May 2010 Declutter & Accountability 18 May 10

I've been away from the 'cat' for ages (and no real reason) but on my return I set myself a task (collating paperwork and enveloping, labelling and adding postage stamps) and have just read this entire thread. Wow.
Way back, I meant to keep up with the accountability - but failed to post. I have been busy tho' and found a fantastic book 'the complete idiots guide to organising your life'. The phrase to remember is "don't put it down, put it away"...and with that in mind I've transformed a load of clutter and kept up with current tasks. It seems I need a day a week to catch/clear up - but it's something I know that bothers/affects so many others that I don't beat myself up. I want to say well done to all of you - and I hope to draw from your inspiration. Photos, poems, comments, encouragement, care and above all all helps. Thank you. Hazel.

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