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Bud Savoie Origins: Jordan Am a Hard Road to Travel (37) Lyr Add: JORDAN AM A HARD ROAD TO TRAVEL 05 Sep 00

^^This is also called "Jaw Bone," "The Wild Gray Goose," "The Other Side of Jordan," "Old Coat," and others. Some of the verses I know are:


I looked to the east. I looked to the west,
I seen the old gray goose comin'
With forty gray horses and a Dominicker mule
And they landed on the other side of Jordan.

Pull off your coat, boy, roll up your sleeve,
Jordan is a hard road to travel.
Pull off your coat, boy, roll up your sleeve,
Jordan is a hard road to travel, I believe.

If you wanna do well, go down the hotel,
Get your room and your board on credit.
If they ask for the pay, you just tell 'em right away
They'll get it on the other side of Jordan. (CHORUS)

Daddy caught a turkey in the woods the other day
And we put him in the pot for to cook him.
But the turkey jerked his head and he knocked off the led
And he gobbled on the other side of Jordan. (CHORUS)

David and Goliath had a fight the other day
And they found one thing for certain.
Hit Goliath on the head with a bar of soft soap
And he landed on the other side of Jordan (CHORUS)

Now I don't know, but I believe I'm right,
Just one thing for certain.
If we live high, we can all get by
And get on the other side of Jordan. (CHORUS)

Uncle Dave Macon had a bunch more.

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