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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,James Origins: Give Me Oil in my Lamp (44) RE: Lyr Req: There's oil in my vessel and my lamp is.. 15 Jun 10

Trying to find the origin of the verse "Give me umption in my gumption let me function, function function".

Apparently, my mother told me that her mother in the late 1940s was cleaning her sink with a cleaning product in Australia called 'Gumption' while singing 'give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning..." and happened upon making up the verse "give me umption..." there and then. Now my grandma was the local sunday school teacher, and pianist and taught the new words to her class. Who then later sang those words at a combined sunday school service, with all the other local sunday schools, all of whom then adopted it and within a short time those words were wide spread in Australia.

It would be interesting to get to the bottom of the orign of these words. Was it really my Grandma??? Someone, somewhere must have invented them. Does anyone know of any use of these words prior to ~ 1946?

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