Odd how the brain works with respect of definitive versions on one hand & spontaneous variants thereof on the other. This makes it awkward when Rapunzel & I are singing a song together because our a) versions are invariably different and b) I'm more likely to alter things as I sing that she is. So I'll use a crib sheet just so I know I'm singing the same words as she is. Also, when we edit a song for a particular performance we'll use words just so we know which verses we aren't singing. I might add that as I get older it takes me ages to learn new songs although following our wee session with Crow Sister a few weeks back I found I'd learned Childe Owlet by osmosis. How's that for traditional process? Either that or just wanton pilfering on my part, however so unwitting; in recent singarounds I've sang it to three different tunes, one of which I made up on the spot...