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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,happylassie Death of a loved one - songs to help you (48) RE: Death of a loved one - songs to help you 01 Jul 10

It is a horrible time but will get better I promise you.
Too many songs to list but Reconciliation by Ron Kavana helps to remind one that we will meet again in the future & present memories help.                                                             My best memory is of a friends funeral which was unlike any I had been to before, started with the lady whom had died singing one of her own songs, then a lovely version of Blue Mountain Tyne by a promament artist, a reading from her daughter, then we all sung Twinkle twinkle little star. This was followed by fireworks (sparklers) at the wake.
Look back at the good times & talk about your dad every chance you get, it really does help.

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