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Sttaw Legend Hull Busking Trail ~ Sat 17 July (3) RE: Hull Busking Trail ~ Sat 17 July 16 Jul 10

Final lineup listed below for Hull Busking Trail

To celebrate the return of the Clipper Race the HULL BUSKING TRAIL will be alive with music and various performers from 10am to 5pm.
It will be in seven locations throughout the city from Paragon Station to the Marina.

Please show your support for the HULL BUSKING TRAIL performers at the following times and locations:

1. Binns Store and Shine Bar – Jameson Street at Ferensway end

10.00 - I Alexander
10.30 - Shiznitz
11.00 - Nick Stubbs
11.30 - Jon Lawson & The Wedge
12.00 - John Copley
12.30 - Ronson Kiplin
1.00 - Lee Pedge
1.30 - Val Marshal
2.00 - Astro Pets Zeb
2.30 - Craig Vinnie Whitehead
3.00 - Legacy
3.30 - Jim Danby
4.00 - Nahro Zagros & Lydia Wilson
4.30 - Craig Vinnie Whitehead

2. Starbucks Café & McDonalds – Jameson Street King Edward Street crossroads

10.00 - Abbie Lammas
10.30 - Jon Lawson & The Wedge
11.00 - I Alexander
11.30 - Ronson Kiplin
12.00 - John Cox
12.30 - Jon Lawson
1.00 - Suzanne Hicks
1.30 - Ronson Kiplin
2.00 - Nick Stubbs
2.30 - Hull Ukulele Group
3.00 - Astro Pets Zeb
3.30 - Craig Vinnie Whitehead
4.00 - Legacy
4.30 - Jim Danby

3. Monument Bridge – in front of Monument bridge sign

10.00 - Val Marshall
11.00 - harriWattsband
12.00 - I Alexander
1.00 - Abbie Lammas
2.00 - Suzanne Hicks
3.00 - Shiznitz
4.00 - Astro Pets Zeb
5.00 - Nahro Zagroz & Lydia Wilson

4. Princes Quay side – between Cuckoos Café and Leonardos Café

10.00 - Calum Tomeny & Tom Lemanski
11.00 - Abbie Lammas
12.00 - harriWattsband
1.00 - John Copley
2.00 - Circus Envy
3.00 - Suzanne Hicks
4.00 - Hull Ukulele Group
5.00 - Lee Pedge

5. Trinity House Lane – opposite DUICE Bar half way down

10.00 - Nick McNee
11.00 - Calum Tomeny & Tom Lemanski
12.00 - Val Marshall
1.00 - Nick McNee
2.00 - Jess Bannister
3.00 - Nick McNee
4.00 - Creek Cats
5.00 - Shiznitz

6. Trinity Square – adjacent to Zillis Cafe

10.00 - John Copley
11.00 - John Cox
12.00 - Circus Envy
1.00 - Calum Tomeny & Tom Lemanski
2.00 - Darren Oakshott
3.00 - Nick Stubbs
4.00 - Lee Pedge
5.00 -

7. Pier – between Minerva Pub and Cafe
10.00 - John Cox
10.30 - Martin Wharton            
11.00 - Circus Envy
12.00 - Jess Bannister
1.00 - Creek Cats
2.00 - harriWattsband
3.00 - Lee Pedge
4.00 - Darren Oakshott

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