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GUEST,bert BS: Middle age crisis cars (130* d) Lyr Add: MID LIFE CRISIS 19 Jul 10

Here's a mid life crisis song. 'Sposed to be a husband wife duet. Wife's part indented.

I wanna have a mid life crisis
but if the truth be told

        You can't have a mid life crisis
        Darling You're too old

I wanna drive a bright red sports car
with a pretty young blond for a date
I wanna have a mid life crisis

        You've left it a bit too late
        You coulda had a crisis at Forty
        or even at Fifty Five
        If you'd wanted a mid life crisis
        You should have done it while you're still alive

I want a pick up truck with monster wheels
I want to be stacked up with sex appeal
I want tattoos on my arms and chest
A Harley and a black leather vest
I want to let my hair grow long
I want to get to Nashville with this song
I want a Cowboy hat and belt and boots
I want a hand tailored white silk suit

I wanna have a mid life crisis
but if the truth be told

        You can't have a mid life crisis
        Darling You're too old

I wanna drive a bright red sports car
with a pretty young blond for a date
I wanna have a mid life crisis

        You've left it a bit too late
        You coulda had a crisis at Forty
        or even at Fifty Five
        If you'd wanted a mid life crisis
        You should have done it while you're still alive

I wanna drive a bright red sports car
with a pretty young blond for a date

        Enough about the blond,
        get your saggy butt off of that couch
        and take out the garbage.


Ok. Ok. But how about a sports car?
What do you think about an Aston Martin?

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