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Reiver 2 Wee Falorie Man (17) RE: Wee Falorie Man 06 Aug 10

Reiver 1 and I used to sing a number we called 'Belfast Street Medley' but I have no notes on the source or even where we found it. I'll ask Reiver 1, maybe he knows more about it, and if so I'll post it. The first part of the medley we sang was:

I am the wee falorie man
A rattlin', rovin' Irishman,
I can do all that ever you can
For I am the wee falorie man

I have a sister, Mary Ann,
She washes her face in a frying pan,
Out she goes to hunt for a man,
For I am the wee falorie man.

I am a good old workin' man,
Each day I carry my wee tin can,
A large penny bap and a claip o' ham,
Oh, I am the wee falorie man. [repeat first verse]

The 2nd part of the medley went [totally different tune]:

Fan-a-winnow, winnow, winnow,
Fan-a-winnow day-sie
Fan-a-winnow, e-i-o,
She's away wi' Barney, the band tie-er man,
The band tie-er, oh, the band tie-er oh,
She's away wi' Barney, the band ti-er, oh.

"A' for apple, "P" for pear,
I love the girl wi' the long yellow hair.
All the girls I ever, ever knew,
The love I had for my lady,oh!
My lady, oh, my lady, oh,
My lovely blue-eyed lady, oh.

"B" for Barney, "C" for Cross,
"R" for my love, Barney Ross.
All the world will never, never know
The love I had for my Barney, Oh.
My Barney, oh, my Barney, oh,
My lovely, blue-eyed Barney, oh. [Repest 1st verse]

The 3rd part of the medley was a 7 verse version of "Johnny Todd."

Johnny Todd, he took a notion,
For to cross the ocean wide,
But he left__ his true love behind him
Walkin' by the Belfast tide.

For one week she wept so sadly,
Tore her hair and wrung her hands,
'Till she met wi-th another sailor
Walkin' by the Belfast sands.

"Oh, fair maid, why are you weeping,
For your Johnny, gone to sea?
If you'll wed with me tomorrow,
I will kind and constant be."

"I will buy you beads and earrings,
I will buy you diamond stones.
I'll buy you a- horse to ride on,
When your true love, he is gone."

"I will buy you sheets and blankets,
I'll buy you a wedding ring.
You shall have a guilded cradle,
For to rock your baby in."

When Johnny Todd came back from sailing,
Sailing oe'r the ocean wide,
Then he found that his fair and false one,
Was another sailor's bride.

Now young men who go a-sailing,
For to fight the foreign foe,
Do not leave your love like Johnny --
Marry her before you go.

I don't remember our source for this song or anything else about it, for that matter. If any 'catters can supply any information about this medley - or any parts of it, please do so. Back to the original thread topic, I assumed [probably in error] that falorie [we pronounced it "faloo-rie"] was just a nonsense word. If it has a definite meaning, I'd appreciate any information.

Reiver 2

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