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GUEST,THE OLD TIMER ADD: The Gillette Look Sharp March (70* d) Lyr Add: LOOK SHARP BE SHARP 11 Aug 10

Composed by Mahlon Merrick, music director for the Jack Benny show

1. To look sharp, every time you shave
To feel sharp, and be on the ball
To be sharp use Gillette Blue Blades for the quickest, slickest, shaves of all!

Repeat 1st verse

2. Say mister, how are you fixed for blades, do you have plenty?
How are you fixed for blades? You better check, just make sure
You have enough, a worn out blade makes shaving mighty tough!
Say mister, how are you fixed for blades? You better
Check, Gillette blue blades we mean!!!!

Then repeat 1st verse

Let's get it right ok! Don't mess up a good song!
The old timer

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