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GUEST,^&* Lyr Add: The 'Mexico' (6) RE: Lyr Add: The 'Mexico' 12 Aug 10

Here's another lifeboat song about a different Mexico:

From: terrier
Date: 11 Aug 10 - 03:12 PM

Southport Lifeboat Disaster

Listen without to the westerly wind
does it whisper and gently sigh,
or rage and roar, shaking the door,
demanding that seafarers die.

On such a night in the distant past
when the surf raged high up the beach,
the 'Mexico' barque, on a bank she was fast,
no port that night she would reach.

Three lifeboats to her aid were sent,
by fishermen manned, with good intent;
one lifeboat returned, one crew to save,
the others would drown in that terrible gale.

To this place they brought them, herein to rest.
No man can do more than give of his best.
A nation mourned but in mourning new pride,
the pride of a nation, in vain not they died.

Mark well the hour.

At twelve o'clock on the ninth of december,
pray silence and gentlemen rise.
Hark to mine host, as he gives the toast,
"to the coxwains and crews who died."

This is from memory so I can't guarantee I haven't changed some of the words from the original.

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