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Folknacious EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf? (200* d) RE: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf? 18 Aug 10

Earlier I wrote

Were this petition to result in the board taking the side of the sacked member of staff, it would in effect be a vote of no confidence in the Director, who has steered a period in which the society's reputation and profile has greatly improved, massive Arts Council funding has been gained and then - only comparitively recenty - the marketing manager appointed as a result of this funding being available. It would make her position very difficult.

I begin to wonder if this petition could be part of an attempt at a palace coup by people who want the director replaced or maybe even fancy the job themselves. It would be a terrible thing if the society were to be torn apart by infighting as happened in the 1980s, just as its achieving so many good things.

The more this continues here and in other forae (?), and the more rumours I hear of some lingering sour grapes out in folk undergrowth about the director getting the job in the first place because of her not being "a proper folkie", the more I am concerned that this is the case. Please spare us from "proper folkies" and their muddy machinations!

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