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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Joan Remember NOMAD (13) RE: Remember NOMAD 14 Sep 00

NOMAD went through a bunch of phases. First year it was at the high school with plenty of parking and room. Then there were major renovations/enlarging of the high school, so it got squashed into the middle school with inadequate parking and all sorts of restrictions. Then back to the high school just as we were ironing out the kinks at the other place. Again, we had parking space and more room. The logistics of food service have been worked out, the crafts area is in the spacious lobby, the custodians have learned that we're not a bunch of crazed loonies and they have precious little cleanup from us. Should be a great festival.

As Charlie pointed out, you ought to check the web site, for info about accomodations and the whole listing of who'll be there doing what.

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