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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Seasoned Mudcattter another one lost (57* d) another one lost 17 Sep 00

Another mudcatter is gone. This is an individual who is not flashy and never has felt the need to post to every thread on the forum. They are obviously knowledgeable about folk music and folksingers and was generous enough to share that with this forum. Their offerings were always short and to the point. Now, even they have been turned off by this website. Why? You say? Because of the crap. Threads started about favorite toothpastes or how to tell time. By covert white sheets. By dictatorships. By the need of some to exploit the plights of others. By the fear of some to speak out. By the insidious red tide of bigotry now so prevalent on this forum. This person won't be missed because there was never a need to install theirself as a "personality," preferring instead, to give assistance, when needed, or to impart some bit of knowledge.

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