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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bert BS: Couples: How did you meet each other? (57* d) RE: BS: Couples: How did you meet each other? 03 Oct 10

It went kinda like this...

I sat on the bar stool with never a care
I didn't know that I sat in her chair
That's when I fell in love
She sat down beside me and she cussed me out
I didn't know what she was talking about
That's when I fell in love

        Love, love, love oh love
        I looked in her eyes and what did I see
        I saw an angel looking at me
        That's when I fell in love

She called me a liar I proved she was wrong
she bought me a drink and I sang her a song
That's when I fell in love
We sat in the bar 'till they closed it down
then hand in hand we walked through the town
That's when I fell in love

        Love, love, love oh love
        I looked in her eyes and what did I see
        I saw a woman looking at me
        That's when I fell in love

At two in the morning we sat in the park
and sang to each other alone in the dark
That's when I fell in love
we sat the talking the rest of the night
'till the mountains turned red in the dawn's early light
That's when I fell in love

        Love, love, love oh love
        I looked in her eyes and what did I see
        I saw my true love looking at me
        That's when I fell in love

        Love, love, love oh love
        I looked in her eyes and what did I see
        I saw my angel, my woman, my true love
        looking at me

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