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GUEST,Duncan Duncan Phillips (son of Utah) coming to Maine -Feb (22) RE: Duncan Phillips coming to Maine 21 Oct 10

Howdy folks, Over the past year I have been working on a regional tribute CD for my dad here in Salt Lake City. My friend Kate MacLeod is producing it and it will be finished in January. A few of us are going to do some CD release gigs in California in January and early Feb. I'll return home to SLC in early Feb. and hopefully head out to Kendall's.
I am up for anything along the way. My time frame is from Feb. 12 through the end of the month. Most likely it will just be myself unless some small house concerts or small gigs open up then I'll bring someone with me. Mainly I just want to meet folks and share our tribute cd with them. There are so many folks that I heard dad talk about and know of me but have never had the chance to meet. Check out what I've been up to at and I look forward to hearing from you.
Duncan Phillips

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