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Brack& Lyr ADD: Working Man (Rita MacNeil) (15) Lyr/Chords Add: WORKING MAN (Rita MacNeil) 06 Jun 98

I think this right. The chords are the same for the verses.

It's a working man I am
And I've been down underground
And I swear to God if I ever see the sun
Or for any length of time
I can hold it in my mind
I never again will go down underground

At the age of sixteen years
He quarrelled with his peers
Who vowed there'd never be another one
In the dark recess of mines
Where yo age before your time
And the coal dust lies heavy on your lungs


At the age of sixty four
He'll greet you at the door
And he'll gently lead you by the arm
Through the dark recess of mines
Oh he'll take you back in time
And he'll tell you of the hardships that were had



HTML preformat commands added--but I'm still not sure it looks the way you intended. --JoeClone, 13-Mar-02.

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