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Folknacious UK Folk Club Survey (50) RE: UK Folk Club Survey 29 Nov 10

All the questions about guests and 'guest nights' are irrelevant to singarounds and sessions

I think Folk Clubs are places where you pay some money to go and hear the sort of music they play in places called Folk Clubs, but not too much money because you also have to put up with floor singers. The guest artist sleeps on the organiser's camp bed.

Sessions and singarounds aren't folk clubs because they're all floor singers so you don't pay any money and everybody sleeps in their own bed.

Concerts in small arts centres aren't Folk Clubs, even though the room's often the same size, because you pay more money so as to not have to listen to floor singers and the artist gets proper accomodation.

Seems clear enough to me. But did this apply in 1954?

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