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tritoneman Medium gauge vs light gauge strings... (31) RE: Medium gauge vs light gauge strings... 10 Dec 10

I remember in the 1960's buying Ivor Mairants strings and when they last their sparkle taking them off the guitar, boiling them in a saucepan and putting them back on again! It did actually work.

There wasn't such a choice in strings then= Martin, Gibson, Cathedral, Rotosound etc. Now there is such a bewildering choice but after experimenting for years, I've settled for Elixir Nanoweb mediums for my 1957 Gibson J200and Newtone Heritage .012 - .051 'low tension' strings for my Lowden S12. The Newtone strings are incredibly light and easy to play yet the Lowden still projects wel, l keeping it's sweet sustained tone.

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