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GUEST,bardan Anthems Wales, Cornwall, Brittany (9) RE: Anthems Wales, Cornwall, Brittany 13 Jan 11

Um, I'm not sure that there's any proof that all the celtic languages in Britain were from the Brythonic (or p) branch of celtic. (Although it seems more likely than goidelic; still no particular reason to believe they would have been particularly close to Welsh other than proximity.) I've a vague memory of reading something that said the Silures were rather different and insular and I think they would have been the main tribe in the Welsh Cornish neck of the woods. Obviously scottish gaelic was/is goidelic, but apparently it came over from Ireland with the Dalriada. If someone knew anything about cumbrian, which I have a feeling was fairly well documented I'd be interested. Gaulish was apparently surprisingly close to latin according to the romans, so there's a distinct possibility that a lot of 'celtic' particularities only sprang up in Britain and Ireland.

Not an expert in any of this stuff- feel free to correct me.

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