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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JB Lyr Req: The People's Key (Bob Hipkens) (19) Lyr Add: THE PEOPLE'S KEY (Bob Hipkens) 30 Jan 11

Thanks to the tip from Terry, I just bought a copy of the CD, Honeysuckle Rose by the Central Park Shieks, through Amazon MarketPlace. I've long wanted a copy of "The People's Key." I've added to/edited Willy's lyrics post:

The People's Key

All kinds of griefs beset the man who tries to find in life a plan;
he searches the world to see some sense,
but his logic proves but mere pretense.
I know this sadly from first hand;
my fate was sealed when I joined this band.
They search the world in a futile quest
to answer this question they're so hard pressed.

If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie?
I ask this question most sincerely,
"In what key do they play?"
If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie?
I ask this question most sincerely,
"In what key do they play?"

No more even tempered folk alive;
Do they raise the fourth, do they flat the five?
Their muses move in mystery
and leave not the slightest clue for me.
Who asks "How many sharps and how many flats?"
Within his belfry dwells the bat
Why do I restate my rhetorical position,
"Where do they stand on composition?"

If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie?
I ask this question most sincerely,
"In what key do they play?"
If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie, boys?
He asks this question most sincerely.
Yes, in what key do they play?

So have some pity and forget your scorn
For here's a man who's soul is torn
To be cursed with a restless turn of mind
that seeks more answers he can never find - Never find.
It was once my foolish hope morass
To understand the middle class
'til I abandon all of reason and all of rhyme
And seek a cure - A cure? - in a warmer clime.

If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie?
I ask this question most sincerely,
"In what key do they play?"
If the key of E is the peoples key
then what is the key of the bourgeoisie, gentlemen?
He asks this question most sincerely.
Yes, in what key do they play?

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