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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,mousethief (at the library) BS: I did it! (35) I did it! 30 Sep 00

Well, I gathered up my courage and went to the Acoustic Cafe (just down the street from my house!) on open mic night and played a 3-song set. It's the first time I've played before an audience of mostly strangers in over 15 years.

I'm afraid I didn't play anything "traditional" as I don't yet know anything "traditional" well enough. (But I'm working on it!) I played a song by Bruce Cockburn, one by Al Stewart, and one I wrote myself.

I had a hard time singing loud enough; the microphone and the monitor kinda threw me. But hopefully I will get used to this in time.

Anyway, thanks everybody on Mudcat for helping me get my courage up.


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