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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
jacko@nz Tech: Mudcat Skype Music Chat and Jam (56* d) RE: Tech: Mudcat Skype Music Chat and Jam 20 Feb 11

It's being hard to get a Skype group going.

We have a group of six but seldom more than two at a time available.

There are a whole lot of folks I'd hoped to see in here :

Big Chuck, Mid Chuck, Ivan, Naeman, Noreen, Kat, Micca, the Ducks, Toledo, DW, Jon, Bugsy, Nynia, Alison, Liz the Squeak, Morticia, Geo Broon, lanfranc, mmario, Nutty and all the rest...........Where are you?

If anyone is interested, PM me with a Skype name and we'll take it from there.

Jack (aka scalliwag on Paltalk)

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