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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bud Savoie Lyr Add: Guy Fawkes and the Parliament (19) RE: Lyr Add: Guy Fawkes and the Parliament 05 Oct 00

Conrad and Joe, I seem to have come off as someone who likes to suppress folk songs. Sorry, that's not my point. The "crap" referred to was the constant posting of things divisive to the Mudcat. I have collections, vinyl and printed, of songs on both sides of the American Civil War, Prohibition, Northern Ireland, the American Revolution, and others. The songs are a valuable record and should be preserved. They often don't express my personal feelings in the matters involved, but they don't have to. I am not trying to "prevent you from posting them," but you seem to specialize in a certain type of song that expresses a negative attitude. Comments by other Mudcatters on other of your threads will confirm this.

Actually, I punched into this thread right now to express my sincere admiration for your talent for artistic websiting. I'm in the process of setting up a site of my own and am constantly looking for ideas. Your sites, however I may disagree with the content, are beautifully done and artistically designed.

That said, I like your "non-judgmental" posts to the 'Cat very much.

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