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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Robby Lyr Req: Don't Cry, Katie (Dick Glasser) (10) Lyr Add: DON'T CRY, KATIE (Dick Glasser) 09 Oct 00

What the hell, Liland, I went and copied the lyrics from the Trio's place. If this works they'll be pasted to this message, but they won't be in Mudcat format. I hope this works and will try to put it in html.

Dick Glasser

Don't cry, Katie.
I'll be comin' back to you, you, you.
Don't cry, Katie, even though I'm gone, my love will still be true.

I'll be gone for maybe just a year.
Don't cry, Katie. Even though I'm gone, my love will still be here.
Don't cry, Katie.


You'll be in my dreams though you are far away.
Don't cry, Katie.
Have a little faith and I'll return some day.
Don't cry, Katie.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, Katie.
Don't cry, Katie, I'll be comin' back to you. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, Katie.
Even though I'm gone, my love will still be true.


When I return, darling, we can be together.
Don't cry, Katie.
Then we can share our precious love forever.
Don't cry, Katie.


Were these the lyrics that you wanted? I hope so.


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