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GUEST,Ewan McVicar Origins: My Donkey Want Water (70* d) RE: Origins: My Donkey Want Water 28 May 11

There was a query above for any other songs re donkey as a sexual metaphor. Surprised no-one mentioned Donkey City. I was sung a version by a Jamaican ex-ambassador - to I think the UN - as follows.

I went to Donkey City, with me little donkey
And me donkey went, and he stood by a mule
But the mule he say to the donkey
'Sagga boy, don't you walk behind me
Donkey whoa, don't mess up me junior commando

'Cause I get it already, soft like jelly
Slip down me belly, sweet as honey'
And the mule say to the donkey
'Sagga boy, don't you walk behind me
Donkey whoa, don't mess up me junior commando'

Now, if the above may seem a little explicit for a 17 year old to know about - he or she could have got married at age 16!
When I was 17 I sang songs far more explicit. And knew what was meant, in theory at least.

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