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GUEST,Kernball Origins: How Pretty the Moon Looks Tonight (39) RE: Lyr Req: How Pretty the Moon Looks Tonight 29 May 11

Hello Crescent Moon lovers!
How nice to come upon your fan club! This song was also handed down in my family (originally in Indiana) and my husband (a professional musician) and I recorded it back in 1991, when it was still on cassette tape. We recently resurrected it, and put it in the digital and MP3 formats. I can email you our version, it's 1.84 MB.
Just request from
and I will forward. We also did 10 other lullabies from my grandmother. Here is the list:
1. Crescent Moon Cradle (Oh Mother how pretty the moon is tonight...)
2. Blanket Bay (All aboard for blanket bay...)
3. The Sandman (My very good friend the Sandman visits me every night)
4. Little Boy Blue (Under the haystack Little Boy Blue sleeps...)
5. The Birdies' Ball (The brook once said to the nightingale...)
6. Jesus' Lullaby (Sleep little baby of mine...)
7. Sweet Holy Child (Jesus teach me how to pray...)
8. Brahms' Lullaby (Lullaby, and good night, with roses bedight...)
9. Rock-a-bye Baby (Grandmother's sitting in her old rocking chair...)
10. Storybook Ball (In Mother Goose's book up in the nursery...)
11. Train to Fairyland (The train is coming around the bend...)

Donna Ball

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