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GUEST,Ralphie Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album) (211* d) RE: Noah's Ark Trap 05 Jul 11

I consigned my Aural Esciter to the great Ancient Equipment skip in the sky...Years ago...
Bonzo...Try keeping least into the last part of the 20th century. There's a good chap.
Bonzo. I really don't get it. On the one hand you admire Nics Singing/Playing/Arrangements, and then you have a pop at the technology available at the time...It's a bit like saying, I love Joseph Taylors way of singing, but why didn't he record it digitally, instead of on a wax cylinder? the answer. Because it was the early 20th century, and that is all there was.
And the very fact that you mention an Aural Exciter anyway speaks volumes for your audio skills.

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