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GUEST,Ralphie Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album) (211* d) RE: Noah's Ark Trap 18 Jul 11

Almost certainly. The mixes on each track would have been very different. And the editing on NAT is very cleverly done. Not quite as clever as George Martin/Geff Emericks edit of Strawberry fields. 2 Different takes in different keys and different tempos! (See if you can find it!)
As for the BL stuff. I still think it's an LP transfer, although why they put the track order in that particular way, I know not...Weird!
And why master to tape in this day and age? We all know that tape has a relativley short shelf life (30-40 years) Why not put it straight onto a hard drive? (obviously with 2 back-up hard drives!)
I had to ask a mate at the Beeb to let me in a couple of weeks ago, to try and salvage a couple of rolls of tape...She said..."I think we've got one tape machine left somewhere!!"
She found it in a dubbing suite wrapped in plastic! It still worked, sadly the tapes didn't! Too much print through.
The Beeb now records everything direct to an enourmous server (well 3 actually) that can be then accessed by anyone (in the world probably!) with the right access codes obviously. I think they keep the tape machine (a Studer BTW) for old times sake!

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