Almost certainly. The mixes on each track would have been very different. And the editing on NAT is very cleverly done. Not quite as clever as George Martin/Geff Emericks edit of Strawberry fields. 2 Different takes in different keys and different tempos! (See if you can find it!) As for the BL stuff. I still think it's an LP transfer, although why they put the track order in that particular way, I know not...Weird! And why master to tape in this day and age? We all know that tape has a relativley short shelf life (30-40 years) Why not put it straight onto a hard drive? (obviously with 2 back-up hard drives!) I had to ask a mate at the Beeb to let me in a couple of weeks ago, to try and salvage a couple of rolls of tape...She said..."I think we've got one tape machine left somewhere!!" She found it in a dubbing suite wrapped in plastic! It still worked, sadly the tapes didn't! Too much print through. The Beeb now records everything direct to an enourmous server (well 3 actually) that can be then accessed by anyone (in the world probably!) with the right access codes obviously. I think they keep the tape machine (a Studer BTW) for old times sake!