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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,torryquine Tinkerman's Daughter (42) RE: Tinkerman's Daughter 20 Oct 11

Hello, and please excuse my butting in. I am quite new to singing and extremely new to doing any research about a song I'd like to sing. Cilla Fisher's version was the only one I'd heard at all until 2 days ago, and I assumed that's how everyone did it. I hang my head in shame and will go off and research some more.

That said however, I have a question, and I'm not sure is this is the right place to ask. Someone further up the page has said this song is ruined for them through overuse. How does a person, new to going into bars and sessions etc., find out which songs are not going to have everyone in the room going "Bloody Hell, not again". Sorry again for butting in.


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