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maggi Songs about corporate greed (46) ADD: All Over Again (Philip Hartley) 19 Nov 11

All Over Again
(Phillip Hartley)

We are the wage slaves, the fodder of industry,
Oiling the gears with our sweat and our tears,
We travel each day to the office and factory,
Making and moving the things that you need,
Earn barely enough pay to keep home and family,
Free time is special because it's so rare,
We live for the weekend. But Monday soon comes and
We'll do it all over again
And again and again and again and a again
And we'll do it all over again.

We're the employers, the captains of industry,
Hiring and firing with a wave of the hand,
We live off your talent, we use up your energy,
All we desire is the work of your hands,
After your hard work has given us what we need,
After you've given us all that you can,
When we've worn you out then we'll just get another and
Do it all over again
And again and again and again and again
We'll do it all over again.

We're politicians, we cherish democracy,
At least 'til the day the election is won,
We'll line our own pockets and live in hypocrisy
Never accept any wrong we have done
We'll lie to your face when presenting our policies
Never explain how the government's run
Except when it's time to convince you to vote and we'll
Fool you all over again
And again and again and again and again
And we'll fool you all over again.

We are the bankers, the masters of all of you,
We hold the world in the palms of our hands
We'll gamble your livelihoods, wreck the economy
Still keep our mansions, our pensions, our perks
And when we have lost all the cash that that you've given
After we've paid out our bonus again
We'll turn on you wage slaves, employers, MPs
And we'll screw you all over again
And again and again and again and again
And we'll screw you all over again

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