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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Ralphie BS: Petition to Free Leonard Peltier (198* d) RE: BS: Petition to Free Leonard Peltier 08 Dec 11

Well. Thats a relief...Lizzie has found another crusade. Maybe she will leave the Brits alone now. Sorry for my US friends. It was just your turn.
As for the case involved. I have no view. Apart from the fact that people trust the justice system they live under, or they don't. If they do, No problem, If they don't. Vote the government out. I just can't see that taking any notice of someone living in amother country could ever have any relevance is of any import.
I really don't like the practices of many governments worldwide to be very palatable, Stonings, Beheadings, and what goes on in Zimbabwe, Tibet, North Korea. Is abhorrent.
But, I do feel that ranting on Mudcat is just pointless.
Lizzie, If you feel as you do. Jump on a plane and stand outside the prison with a placard. Then I might give you the benefit of really believing what you write about.
I have no opinion on this particular case...Never met the bloke.
Just feel sad for the victims and their families, whether he committed the crime or not.
America...Welcome to Lizzie world....(At least it gets her off our backs for a while.)

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