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glueman 5 Favourite Songs by The Fall (37) RE: 5 Favourite Songs by The Fall 01 Feb 12

Mark E. Smith, rather like your other fave P. Bellamy, is someone I respect, admire even and certainly wouldn't quarrel with his place in the pantheon, without actually liking him, let alone wishing to meet the man. By contrast I can think of a number of performers with less solid artistic credentials who I warm to much more. On Jim Eldon I agree however, a man in touching distance of genius.

OTOH I was reading a forum on an entirely unrelated topic the other day, where a poster happened to be in the same off license as Mark E. at Christmas and he wished all and sundry a very merry one as he walked out with his selection of wine, spirits and beer, so maybe his public demeanor is in contrast to the private man.

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