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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,John Leeder BS: Burnout and Recovery Therefrom, Part One (39) RE: BS: Burnout and Recovery Therefrom, Part One 31 Oct 00

I've been so close to burnout many times, always managed to pull back from the edge, maybe because I have become familiar with the symptoms and can monitor myself. (Going through that right now, as a matter of fact.)

Burnout is nothing to accept criticism for; if you're burned out, it's because you've been doing things. People who've never burned out perhaps haven't accomplished much. It's a badge of honour, like a scar from a wound earned in a good cause.

Recovery? Cut back, take time to relax, reward yourself by doing things you enjoy. You've earned it. Down the road, start taking on manageable responsibilities again. But keep an eye on yourself.

Hope this helps. I'm heading out on a week's holidays (which will include meetings which I'm afraid will be stressful), so I won't get to see any responses for a while.

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