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GUEST,Kernow Jon Lyr/Chords Req: Bonny Light Horseman (9) RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Bonny Light Horseman 02 Nov 00


We sing this unaccompanied and I'm not sure where we got it from. However, these are the chords that would fit our version. Not sure if they help but they may give you a starter.


(C)Bonaparte he (G)commanded his troops for to (Dm)stand
And he (C)planted (Dm)his can(C)nons all over the land
And (Am)he planted his cannon the whole vic(F)tory for to (C)gain
(Am)And they killed my light horseman (C)re(G)turning from (C)Sp(F)ain

(C)Broken-hearted I will (G)wan(C)der for the loss of my lo(Em)ver
He is my (C)bonnie (Am)light horse(C)man in the wars he was slain.


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