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The Mudcat Cafesj

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GUEST,GUEST, Acc Ident manchester sports guild folk club (154* d) RE: manchester sports guild folk club 26 Apr 12

The reunion concert "A Night at the MSG" was held in November 2011 at the Ukrainian Club, Cheetham Hill, Manchester and was a great success with 13 acts appearing, and an audience of around 150. The artists had all featured at the MSG in some capacity.

Now the CD of the Concert (and of memories of the MSG taken from interviews with artists and audience) is available, featuring tracks by Gary & Vera Aspey, John Bailey, Alan Bell, Phil Drane, the Hometowners, John Howarth (Oldham Tinkers), Marie Little, Harry Ogden, Pete Ryder, Chris Simpson (Magna Carta), Malcolm Thorp and Arthur Wakefield.   

For a copy (all proceeds to charity) e-mail

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