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matt milton song of the shepherd, dick miles (109* d) RE: song of the shepherd, dick miles 24 Jul 12

um, unless Dick has subsequently changed what was written beneath that youTube clip, I'm reading:

"song written by dick miles using a traditional tune"

So nothing about "every single word written by Dick Miles".

I think Dick is entitled to point out that this is nit-picking.

After all, Gillian Welch writes original songs that frequently feature lines from traditional folk songs. Used entirely deliberately and self-consciously. As does Alasdair Roberts. That doesn't stop them asserting authorship and indeed copyright claims.

God knows I disagree (vehemently!) with many the things our Mr Miles says, but in this case I can't help but think people are indeed picking nits.

again ,writing

"song written by dick miles using a traditional tune"

is a completely different thing to writing

"song in which every syllable is the sole and unique invention/property of Dick Miles". or indeed "all my own words".

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