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matt milton song of the shepherd, dick miles (109* d) RE: song of the shepherd, dick miles 24 Jul 12

I give a reductio ad absurdum example, because i think there is something a little absurd about placing too much of a moral burden on crediting one's sources.

Which, let's remind ourselves, are in this case, two or three re-contextualised words: an instance of "plagiarism" so minor even those bringing it up aren't quite sure whether it constitutes a quotation or not. Mountains aout of molehills.

Sticking to matters of animal husbandry, it's a bit like saying, were I to use the term "wethers" in a song, I should be morally obliged to point out that the word (referring to castrated male goats or sheep) is also used in the folksong "When I was a Little Boy". And then provide a list of recommended recordings.

I might feel like doing just that. Or I might prefer to learn a new song, change my guitar strings, or do the washing up instead.

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