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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Greg New Forum - / (26) New Forum 31 Jul 12

Hello, I was hoping I could find some help here.

I have been interested in the folk scene for a few years now, and I try to get involved where I can, while I was at Warwick folk fest this year I had the inspiration for part of my course work, anyway:

I have created a new folk forum as part of one of my A level courses and I could really do with some users and posts there so I can show that is works and is fit for purpose ect. If you do happen to stumble across any bugs or things that don't seem quite right I would love you to let me know in the 'bugs' thread there.

I would really appreciate it if a few users would go over to and have a look round, who knows, we may even get a community starting there ( one can always dream ;) )

Many Thanks and I hope this is allowed here at Mudcat.


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