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GUEST,Ella Guitar Help: instant callus ideas? (35) RE: Help: instant callus ideas? 08 Aug 12

I just realized I do use a little rubbing alcohol. I soak arnica flowers, that I buy in bulk online, in rubbing alcohol for at least two weeks, then use as needed for inflammation. It is much stronger than the homeopathic version and cheaper! Which is fine as long as you are not allergic to arnica. I have used this on my fingers occasionally without thinking. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying. If I have to use alcohol, arnica alcohol is what I will use. Don't use arnica stuff on broken skin.

Nu Skin is New Skin liquid bandaid and there are other liquid bandaid products around including house brands of your local drug store. Much cheaper than the official guitar stuff.

Collodian just means glue.

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