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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Owen Woodson BS: Where now Thatcher haters? (453* d) RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters? 13 Aug 12

Richard Bridge. "I now see a man smaller but more conceited than I thought - one who collects and stores everything said about him - even comments on an internet forum."

Richard, are you saying that there is someone on this forum who collects and stores everything said about him, and that this even extends to comments on an internet forum? Whoever could this person be? We have to find him and subject him to psychiatric examination immediately.

It seems to me that there could be only two possible explanations for such bizarre behaviour. Either he suffers from a massively overbloated ego which could burst at any minute, or he is the victim of an outrageous inferiority complex. Either way, I'd have thought there is a serious risk of him saying 'boo' to anyone who might just turn out to be cleverer than he.

It sounds like the sort of thing Stalin would have done.

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