Having spent alot of this summer playing at a large variety of folk clubs. sing around sessions, and open mics this summer with The Senile Delinquents I found there was certainly room for people who wished to perform,and sell our CD which was our main intention. As an unknown band finding gigs is not easy, most of the venues that we contacted said that they would not book an act that they had not seen perform and recomended that we play for free at thier free amateur nights. This gave as the great opertunity to meet loads of great singers and folk lovers all of whom had thier own tale to tell there own song to sing and a willing ear for others. Each club had a different format for the evening, but although informal very organised with a set proceedure and someone in charge who made sure that the evening went smoothly and that everyone got thier fair shout. I especially liked the session at The Hatch near Taunton, where a very small sing around of about 8 people with a huge range of levels of talents made us feel very welcome and not only knew some lovely songs from a wide reage of styles but also know thestories behind the songs. I also really liked the Open Mic at the Vintage Cafe in Yeovil, which has a good PA and a very friendly vibe. So I don't really know what your moaning about Johnny J as far as I can see there is an amazing folk scene in Britain that you should be proud of. So