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Owen Woodson A Liverpool Folk Song a Week (58* d) RE: A Liverpool Folk Song a Week 18 Sep 12

How do you know? Have you never heard the saying, Liverpool is the pool of life?

Actually, the only reason it's not about Liverpool is because Liverpool was just a fishing village in the days when black letter broadsides, bore those enormous titles. If things had been otherwise, and Liverpool had come to prominence a couple of hundred years earlier, we might have found a familiar Liverpool anthem printed as ye following.

"Ye Leavinge of Liverpoole; being a proper new account of a poor sailor who, on spending his wages from a previous trip, is forced to sign on board a notorious vessel, the Davy Crockett with cruel master Burgess. With salutary farewells to girl friend and other local landmarks."

Oh hell. Wouldn't it be easier just to sing the bleep bleeping thing?

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